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Exchange Buy Rate(+Fees) Sell Rate(-Fees) Trade Currency Trading Fees(%) Units Traded(24hrs) Available Markets
Binance 0 0 BTC 0.1 BTC, ETH
Liqui 0 0 BTC 0.1-0.25 BTC, ETH, USDT
Coinnest 0 0 KRW 0.1 KRW
CoinEgg 0 0 BTC 0.1 BTC
Bit-Z 0 0 BTC 0.1 BTC, ETH
Gatecoin 0 0 BTC 0.1-0.35 Unavailable BTC, ETH 0.24580062 0.24478944 USDT 0.2 64547580.08 USDT, ETH
Qryptos 0 0 BTC 0.15- (-0.75) BTC, ETH
Coinrail 0 0 BTC 0.00 Unavailable BTC
OKEx 0 0 BTC 0.1-(-0.1) BTC, ETH, USDT
HitBTC 2.5277252E-6 2.51748E-6 BTC 0.1 5575 BTC, ETH, USD
YoBit 2.56512E-6 2.52494E-6 BTC 0.2 24319.09816944 BTC, USD
Cobinhood 0 0 BTC 0.0 Unavailable BTC, ETH
EtherDelta 0 0 ETH 0.3 Coming Soon ETH
Mercatox 0 0 BTC 0.25 unavailable BTC, ETH
BitFlip 0 0 RUB 0.18 Unavailable RUB, USD, BTC, UAH, EUR
Token Store 0 0 ETH 0.3 Coming Soon ETH
Tidex 2.54254E-6 2.50749E-6 BTC 0.00 - 0.10 4006020.7000186 BTC, ETH
CoolCoin 0 0 BTC 0.1 BTC
IDEX 0 0 ETH 0.1-0.2 ETH
Huobi 2.5294488E-6 2.5142614E-6 BTC 0.2 355257.17981028 BTC, ETH
Bitfinex 0.24595092 0.24469962 USD 0.0 - 0.2 1539775.7330961 USD, BTC, ETH
Abucoins 0 0 BTC 0.1 0.00000000 BTC
CoinFalcon 2.90725E-6 2.4738E-6 BTC 0.25 Unavailable BTC, ETH
*The buy and sell rates have been calculated considering the highest trading fee of each exchange.

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*Data gets updated every 60 seconds.
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